[Vellum East India Company Certificate Of Appointment]..
Single sheet, parchment, 31 x 25cm, part-printed form with ms insertions, printed on one side with ms title to verso, folded for storage (a little discolouration along folds with a 3cm stain to the centre of the left vertical fold), signed by the Chief Secretary and witnessed, and with paper covered embossed seal. A rare East India Company appointment certificate for a C.F.Kirby to Ensign of Infantry in the forces employed in the service of the East India Company in the garrison, Fort of St. George, and town of Madraspatnam (Madras). Ensign Kirby is here entrusted to discharge his duty thereof by exercising and disciplining such junior officers and soldiers put under his command and follow such orders and directions given to him. Madras was the second outpost established by the East india Company in India in 1642 (the first at Surat in 1619). A fort (Fort St. George) and settlement and factory were built and special grant to enact English Common Law was given by the region Raja. Kirby's role would have been the protection of EIC interests in Madras. A good copy
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